Background : I was very angry and frustrated throughout the day which is not usual of me and was not matching to my Dashas. Frustration was due to some Tax (8th House) & NRI (12th House) Calculations. In morning I saw an accident(8th house), during lunch time the director of partner company was mentioning about an accident(8th House) of friend who died with helmet on and with no physical injuries to body.
My friend took me out for refreshing myself. On way I was telling him that in my last class I got answer to a chart of Funeral/last rites and how much important it is to even take care of last rites. Also told him Its not usual of me to be so irritated, Its not me a Birth Chart will come related to this.
In the evening at 18:31 a Girl contacted me for immediate consultation. By then I was having headache and was not interested for consultation. However as girl seemed very disturbed and I saw something in prashna so decided to talk in case some astrology comes out then Ok else we will talk again.
Girl was upset due to her rejection in job interview yesterday (Dec 23, 2019) as first time rejection in life due to her stupidity (She prepared the wrong topic for interview).
Girl is into Buddhism and did not believe in astrology before our talks.
Client ID: A1077
Date: November 10, 1988
Time: 14:52:57
Place: 77 E 13' 00", 28 N 40' 00"
Delhi, India
Nakshatra: Anuraadha (Sa) (96.62% left)
Tithi: Sukla Pratipat (Su) (22.71% left)

1. You are very angry, frustrated and exhausted today with Heavy Head (Because I was in that state. I try to connect people on call to feel what they feel for better prediction. One astrologer told me that I am using healing energy for this)
Ans. Yes
2. You had arrange marriage.[members](UL - Upapadha Lagna)[/members]
Ans. Yes, in a way arrange marriage. 7 days to a month friendship to marriage. There was desperation in marriage that whom so ever we get.
3. You faced lot of domestic violence and physically beaten by In-Laws. (8th house Focus, inlaws Sun + Mercury with aspect of Rahu, Mars)
Ans. Yes
4. High Ego issues with Husband (8th house focus, Sun in Libra sign with aspect of Rahu)
Ans. Yes, Very high. He wants me to suffer and is not ready for mutual divorce
5. Your Gas Stove had issues during time when with husband (Mars aspect in 8th house with moon placement confirming)
Ans. Oh Yes, Multiple times. Finally got it changed, still issues were there. (Astonished)
6. And television, Some issues there too (Sun, Mercury and Venus in 8th house i.e. Electronic device of entertainment which emits light)
Ans. Yes, Our TV got bad many times.
7. You left your husband house on 18th May, 2018 (By KCD - Kal Chakra Dasha)
Ans. No, I left on Husbands house on 23rd May 2018. I just walked away and came to my house (Astonished how the date is coming)
Prateek. Ok, Adjusting your Birth Time by few seconds
8. Your father is with you ? (This was my pre-check triangulate that who died around marriage)
Ans. Yes, He is the one always with me for courts and police stations.
9. There are Knee issues in both family (Shukra Vanshi Combination accross)
Ans. Yes, Yes Arthrities and knee change on both sides. Nani knee surgery was not successful
10. You have severe stomach issues which are like life long (6th house with Ketu and A8 pada while lord of 6th house in 8th house means chronic and lifelong)
Ans. Yes - always - bahut - I have IBS - Irritated Bowel Syndrome. Its a life long disease.
11. Your Father's & Mother's Relationship is not good (Sun & Moon are not place well as per Kalpurusha i.e. natural house placement, sign & placement confirms it and 2/12 position(note here 2/12 is not always bad))
Ans. Parents functional relationship - but not proper
mummy aur papa ka relation acha nahi tha 2005-2004 approx
12. Since April 2019 you are facing issues related to Job and not working (Vimshotri Dasha - Mercury & Jupiter, Retro Ju 6th from 10th house)
Ans. Yes.... How do you know ?
13. You sleep very late and get nightmare dreams (Rahu in 12th house with Saturn aspect)
Ans. Yes I sleep very late and get Horror-full dreams
14. You had skin issues near thighs when was 2 years old and 8 years old. (8th house Focus, Lot of Fire in this house with mer and indirect aspect of saturn due to exchange of ve and me, timing based on PariBhraman Padati)
Ans. Yes, very bad skin allergy, burning type skin, burning kind of extreme
15. You judge and criticize younger sister. (Virgo Sign of Judging and Criticism)
Ans. Yeah, Our thought process don't match, I always fight with Younger sister, youngest sister. Recently we just have stopped interfering in each other life
16. Fear from dogs ? (Ketu in 6th house)
Ans. No. But don't like them.
17. When in job it was very labour oriented job and income was not high. Not able to get increment or promotions (11th house saturn in 10th house and Arth Trikonna)
Ans. Yes very labour oriented and every time when I used to demand for increment or promotion some one else used to get my share.
18. You have mensuration issues, Excessive Bleeding. (8th house again with Mars aspect and lot of heat, Confirming my chain to do final predictions)(Here I was trying to tell her how our anger and emotions bring harm to physical body)
Ans. Yes
19. Relation with Mama is not good (Mother's brother)(Mercury Significations, 2/12 placement)
Ans. Yes, mummy aur mama ka relation worst hai, aaj ke din khoon ke pyase hai
20. You have slapped your younger brother many times in such a way that blood has come out. (3rd house in D9 with Mars and Ketu in virgo sign- fights with Younger Brother+Hand+Blood+Cut)
Ans. I have slapped younger brother so many times even have clawed my nails in him that blood came out.
chote bhai ko slap kiya hai kafi baar, nakhoon chubodiye the, khoon bhi nikla tha
21. Today your thought process is to do SUICIDE, Right ? (This is what I noticed in Prashna chart and the reason I didn't postpone this discussion even when I was not in state to talk)
(Her Nakshatra is Anuradha (3*47')and she contacted when anuradha nakshatra was in Prashna (3*49'), Here moon is debilitated and is lord of 8th house placed in 12th house with mercury(Lord of 10th house), A8 pada and Moon + Ketu in D9 with A8 again hinting depression & Suicidal Thoughts)
Ans. YES, How can you tell that.
Prateek. I have never used word Suicide in my consultations however here I saw something so had to say.
Ans. Yes, I was not able to see any other way. Finally called you even when I had your number for 3-4 months. I wanted to resolve things myself first and as in Buddhism we don't believe in astrology.
Now lets bring out the stories of chart. You know why its happening
22. Around your marriage time someone died. Either Mama or Nani (Mother's Mother)(Sign of Libra in 8th house with 4th from 4th house i.e. 7th house with exchange with 8th house)
Ans. Yes, Nani Died, She had a terrible death
23. Nani's last rites were not done properly. There were disputes between your Father and Mama (8th house Again with Karaka of Sun and Mercury)
Ans. Yes, mama and father relation was not good
Nani relation was not good with son (Mama)
Nani didn't stay with mama, bcoz of terrible relation
Nani never wanted her son to cremate her so she donated her body and she was not cremated, she wanted it.
Still Mama did basic rites by force. There was some issues with flower (Gende ke phool & sheet) I will check with dad.
Nani died in her house and mama wanted to take him to his house which he took for few hours
Dead Body transportation happened from here and there then back etc.
father used to take care of nani very well
Vareena karna tha jo mummy aur papa ne kiya
Thode samay mama aur mummy thik hue par uske baad unki dushmani wapas aagayi
24. You get throat issues easily (Krittika Retro Jupiter + in D60 - Vamsa-kshaya)
Ans. Yes, my throat gets bad easily. My stress reliever is having sour and it adds to get my throat even more easily.
That's the discussion. Her divorce hearing date is Dec 24, 2019. Will update this post with pending consultation.
Now Client Believes in Astrology

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