DISHA-SHOOL AND PRASTHAN : Remedy for successful travel
July 8, 2023Jumping into Nakshatra ? | Are you Sure ? | Part 1
July 14, 2023
Often the universe sends us signals in the form of a bird, a mistaken delivery or in a green thumb.
These signs are Nimmit or Shakun of the universe that any of your intentions are going to be fulfilled, it also gives a sneak peek into the future. This branch of astrology is known as Nimmitta Astrology or Shakun Shashtra.
Like the green color on my thumb that I got from a leaking green pen.
Keeping a note of this incident, I showed my green thumb to collegue and said today is mercury day and on thumb of mars thus a mercury mars day.
Further I started noting down the incidents of that day in reference to mercury and mars predictions from Youtube video below..
Thumb relates to the planet Mars and the color green is of planet Mercury in astrology.
Making a Mars-Mercury combination a green thumb. And since the tone of mars-mercury was set in the morning, the events revolved around this conjuction.
Mars-Mercury combination is prompt communication, a combination of accidents, legality issues, skin issues and money related arguments.
The day began with an agreement of property being discussed as what names to keep and what name not, (remember Mercury is name and Mars involved with it can cause fights related to name, Mars is property as well). Resolving that, the second Nimitta was receiving a call from a friend (Mars and Mercury both relate to friends in different ways), which was much awaited. The friend also connected another friend on a group call. Moving ahead a daughter-mother duo paid us a visit in which the mother is Mars Atmakaraka and daughter is Mercury Atmakaraka. Next, someone from the society came and asked for a place to live at rent for a week (Mars is karaka of 6th and 3rd and Mercury is the karaka of 4th and 10th). Finally the day got concluded with rash driving all around on the roads.
The day was a live example of how Mars-Mercury works and the whole atmosphere around was in sync with the Nimitt of that day. I was truly amazed and mesmerized by how Jyotish works and how energies are constantly in play. We just have to pick the Nimmit as and when they happen and see the magic happening around us!
Understand the combination better by checking out these videos.